Dexter washer codes

Here are some common error codes for Dexter washers and their possible meanings:
Dexter Washer Error Codes:
- E01 – Water inlet error.
- Cause: Slow or no water flow into the washer.
- Solution: Check water supply, hoses, and inlet valve.
- E02 – Drain error.
- Cause: Washer is not draining properly.
- Solution: Inspect the drain hose and pump for blockages.
- E03 – Door lock error.
- Cause: Door is not locking or unlocking properly.
- Solution: Check the door lock mechanism and switches.
- E04 – Overflow error.
- Cause: Excessive water level detected.
- Solution: Inspect the water inlet valve and pressure switch.
- E05 – Motor error.
- Cause: Motor is not functioning correctly.
- Solution: Check motor connections and the control board.
- E06 – Communication error. – dexter washer comm error 6
- Cause: Failure in communication between components.
- Solution: Inspect wiring and connections between the control board and other parts.
- E07 – Temperature sensor error.
- Cause: Faulty temperature sensor or incorrect water temperature.
- Solution: Check the temperature sensor and connections.
- E08 – Water heating error.
- Cause: Water is not heating properly.
- Solution: Inspect the heating element and temperature sensor.
- E09 – Spin error.
- Cause: Washer is not spinning or spinning irregularly.
- Solution: Check the drive belt, motor, and control board.
- E10 – Detergent dispenser error.
- Cause: Issues with the detergent dispenser.
- Solution: Clean the dispenser and check for blockages.
For more specific troubleshooting, refer to the this manual .